Specialty Tire Store
Golf Cart Tires
Low Profile Cart Tire
Golf Cart Wheels
Golf Cart Wheels 8"
Golf Cart Wheels 10"
Golf Cart Wheels 12
Lift Kits
Agressive/Golf Wheel
All Trail Tires With Golf Cart Wheels
Chevron/Golf Wheel
Mudbuster/Golf Wheel
C165/Golf Wheel
Turf Tire C 165
Turf Tire 769
Turf Tech Tires
Cheng Shin Rib Tires
Lawn Mower Tires
Shipping Questions

13x5.00-6 Rib Tires

Rib Tires 13 x 5 - 6

13x5-6 rib tires are usually used on turf & grass when you want a smooth rolling turf tire yet need a little traction.  More traction then our smooth tires but less traction then our C165 tire, Turf  Tech or 769 turf tires which you can see by using the links on the left side


13x5-6 Rib tire, tubeless, 4 ply. 2 tires -- $39.99

13x5-6 Rib tire, tubeless, 4 ply. 4 tires -- $69.99

rib tires are usually used on lawnmowers, turf equipment and utility vehicles.

Gray Non Marking Tires
Pitching Machine Tires
Small Tires
Cheng Shin ATV Tires
ATV Tires
Tractor Pulling Tries
Power Master
Wheelbarrow Tires
Go Cart Tires
Roofer Smooth Tires
Ford Think Tires
14" Trailer Wheels
Smooth Tires
Three Rib Tires
Lug Tires
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Specialty Tire Store Home page Golf cart tires,   Low profile golf cart tires,   Golf cart wheels,   Golf cart wheels 8 inch,   Golf cart wheels 10 inch,   Golf cart wheels 12 inch,   Golf Cart lift kits,   Agressive golf caert tires with traction,   All Trail ATV golf cart tires on golf cart wheels,   Chevron Mudbuster ATV golf cart tire on golf cart wheels  C165 turf tires and wheels,   TTurf tires for golf carts and wheels,   Tturf Tire C 769,   Turf Tech tires,   Cheng Shin Rib tires,   Lawn Mower tiresGray non marking tires,   Pitching machine tires,   Small tires,   Cheng Shin ATV tires ATV tires,   Tractor pulling tires, Power Master,   Wheelbarrow tires,   Go Cart Tires,   Roofer Smooth Tires,   Ford Think tires,   Trailer Wheels,   Smooth tires,   Three rib tires,   Lug tires,     Shipping questions,  
Email us at
sales@specialtytirestore.com  Phone sales at (866) 211 8189