Specialty Tire Store
Golf Cart Tires
Low Profile Cart Tire
Golf Cart Wheels
Golf Cart Wheels 8"
Golf Cart Wheels 10"
Golf Cart Wheels 12
Lift Kits
Agressive/Golf Wheel
All Trail/Golf Wheels
Chevron/Golf Wheel
Mudbuster/Golf Wheel
C165/Golf Wheel
Turf Tire C 165
Turf Tire 769
Turf Tech Tires
Cheng Shin Rib Tires
Lawn Mower Tires
Shipping Questions

Technical Questions

Please contact the manufacturer for technical questions.

All information we have on these tires is published on our web site.

If you have a problem with something we sold you we are happy to fix it.

Do no call and abuse our sales staff because they do not have the information you want on a tire or wheel that we do not sell & know nothing about.
Your problem is not our fault or responsibility.

Please understand - we are not your problem solver - we are not going to spend our time trying to help you with a problem with something we do not sell and know nothing about unless you want to pay us!!
We are a tire sales business - not a free custom research team!!.

If you would like us to research information for you that we do not have - we will be happy to - at $30.00 per hour,  one hour minimum.
Custom research [Add to Cart]  [View Cart]
Please contact the manufacturer for technical questions.

If the manufacturer does not respond promptly - that is not our fault.
If you have a problem with a tire we sold you please contact us.
We are stating this because our sales people are being abused by some people when they cannot fix a problem that has NOTHING to do with anything we sold!

Gray Non Marking Tires
Pitching Machine Tires
Small Tires
Cheng Shin ATV Tires
ATV Tires
Tractor Pulling Tries
Power Master
Wheelbarrow Tires
Go Cart Tires
Roofer Smooth Tires
Ford Think Tires
14" Trailer Wheels
Smooth Tires
Three Rib Tires
Lug Tires
Shipping Questions
Return Policy
Contact Page
Technical Questions
Mail or (866) 211-8189